About Us

Towards a Better
Little Story about INASES

INASES was founded with a pivotal mission to provide excellent and expand limitless opportunities for orthopedic specialists. We serve to bridge all stakeholders engaged in these fields for both clinical and scientific knowledge exchange as well as to contribute to medical education in general and specialized research development.

Currently INASES has more than 1,000 members worldwide. Membership is acquired through both invitation and online application. INASES is an educational organization whose roles to develop scientific and professional programs, provide standardization for research, and disseminate the latest orthopedic information.

Our Mission

Providing all patients including members and society with excellent shoulder and elbow care.

Our Vision

Our visions are nurturing the future specialists in these fields, encouraging research and training, clinical and scientific information exchange at regional and global level by bringing together doctors and surgeons, and promoting shoulder and elbow care through well-organized courses, conferences and related scientific programs.

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